
 What we call Communion is also known by other names, such as Holy Communion, Eucharist, The Lord’s Supper, The Lord’s Table. They are very similar celebrations. Each in its own way commemorates the last meal Jesus took with His disciples before He was crucified, (see, for example: Matthew 26:17-30).

Our celebration is simple and straightforward. We take it at Sunday services twice a month. We take Communion because Jesus indicated that we should do it in order to remember Him (see: 1 Corinthians 11:23-36).

The Communion involves each Believer taking and eating a small piece of bread from a shared loaf. The bread symbolises and represents the body of the Lord Jesus Christ which He gave in the sacrifice of crucifixion for us.

The Communion also involves each Believer taking and drinking from a glass of non alcoholic wine or juice. The wine symbolises and represents the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which He shed in the sacrifice of crucifixion for us.

By submitting to crucifixion Jesus procured for us the forgiveness and the cleansing of our sins and 

the salvation which gives us new life in His Holy Spirit.

In taking the Communion together we keep ourselves ever mindful of what Jesus has done for us.

Unlike some churches, we do not believe that prayers over the bread and the wine change 

(or transubstantiate) them into the actual flesh and the actual blood of Jesus. We believe they are

 to be understood as symbols.

The Communion is the reminder Christ’s sacrifice;

It is our statement of faith in His Sacrifice for us;

It is our act of obedience & our commitment to Him;

It is our testimony that Jesus Christ was crucified for the salvation of mankind.