Community Activities

All week there are a variety of community events happening in our Church building, to find out more about each activity and to join in please contact the organiser direct through their own web sites or on their Facebook page:


10.30, Church Prayer Meeting

2pm to 4pm, Age Concern, Social Club

6pm to 9pm, Battle Reconstruction Model Games in the fellowship room

6pm to 10pm, Judo, Various age groups through the evening


10am to noon, Age Concern, Pop in Café

5pm to 9pm, Barnstaple Majorettes, various times for different age groups


10am, Church Bible study 

11am, Church Coffee and Cake drop in Café

6pm, Zomba Ladies keep fit


6pm to 10pm, Judo, Various age groups through the evening


10 to noon, Age Concern, Pop in Café

2pm to 3.30pm, Age Concern, Seated Exercise           

                                              Sunday Worship 10.30 

Communion every Second and Fourth Sundays 

See the rest of the web site for more details